At our core, ESCONDIDO CHRISTIAN SCHOOL strives to be...




 Our Mission

Escondido Christian Schools, working together with home and church, provides a Christ-centered spiritual, academic, and physical foundation in a Biblically-based environment, guiding children into a daily walk with Jesus Christ to produce Kingdom-driven citizens.

ECS Philosophy of Christian Education

Escondido Christian School embraces the motto "Home, School, Church . . . Partners in Christian Education." Believing that it is the primary responsibility of the parents to educate and train their children, ("Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6;  Deut. 6: 4-9), ECS strives to come alongside the home, in working together with the church, to equip and inspire young minds in their pursuit of Godly wisdom as they work to gain a deeper understanding and intimate knowledge of their Maker and the world He has created for them. It is our belief that every human being is uniquely imprinted with the image of God ("Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" Gen. 1:26) and should therefore be given every opportunity to discover and pursue their highest God-given potential. It is our high calling to create a safe and nurturing, Christ-centered environment where students can grow and be challenged both spiritually and academically; as well as, socially and physically. Understanding the awesome power of God's transforming love ("Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  II Cor. 5:17), we at ECS remain steadfast in continually presenting the Gospel message and giving opportunity for all students to come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Our vision at ECS

is to provide students with the foundation necessary to become people whose lives reflect a commitment to Christ, who are strong in character and who pursue excellence in all they do. Graduates of ECS will have developed a strong relationship with Jesus, be intellectually prepared for higher academic learning and demonstrate godly character in their daily lives.


Read about our future plans.

The Spiritual Heritage of ECS

From its establishment in 1948, the story of ECS is a testimony to the faithfulness of God. Time and time again God has led, provided, and intervened in the affairs of the school.

Dr. Evelyn Thompson began ECS after a very clear leading from God to create an environment that would train up the emerging generations in this community with academic excellence, along with an openness to the work of God’s Spirit.  These elements led to a successful combination. Within five years, ECS and the church congregation had outgrown the small facility (a building on 6th Avenue). While driving one day through the open fields on East Valley Parkway, God spoke to her to stop, get out of her car, and pray.  In her own words she tells what happened at that moment, “As I got out of my car, I saw a huge field in front of me.  I felt led to walk out into it, and as I did the Lord spoke to me, ‘Evelyn, I’m giving you this land.’ I raised my hands and began to weep.  I was thanking and praising God, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.  ‘Hey lady, are you okay?’ Surprised, I turned around to see a man looking at me.  ‘Oh yes, I am okay.  I’m just overwhelmed right now because God told me that he was giving our church and school this land.’ The man scratched his head and looked at the ground, then said, ‘Really? Well this land belongs to me.’”

What happened next can hardly be comprehended. The man who came out in that field to check on the damsel in distress on his property, was one of the wealthiest dairymen in California, Ed Bulen.  Mr.  Bulen later said something that day softened his heart and gave him the desire to help Dr. Thompson. Not only did he donate the property to the church, but also amassed work crews that helped construct a new larger facility, giving a new home to the burgeoning ministry. At the grand opening of the new church/school facility, there was an altar call given. One of the first respondents was Ed Bulen. He served God the rest of his life.   

The church and school continued to grow.   By 1974 it became clear that a new location was needed.   Pastor Harold Wood, who now was at the helm, began looking. While Pastor Wood was driving on the south side of Escondido on Highway 78, he saw a beautiful piece of property covered with lime groves.   He stopped and got out of his car. Excited by what he saw, he yelled out, “God this would be perfect!” Somebody yelled back from the middle of the grove, “Can we help you?” Pastor Wood saw a man and a woman walking toward him. Pastor Wood introduced himself, “I pastor a church here in town and we are looking for some property.” “Well this property’s not for sale,” the man shot back at him.  Pastor Wood apologized and began to walk back to his car, when the woman said, “Unless you’re going to build a school.” This couple, Bill and Virgie Purdum, helped the church and school take ownership of that piece of property they owned for pennies on the dollar.  This great blessing allowed for the construction of much of the current facilities, which the church and school took occupancy of in 1975. The church and school continued to grow.  It became obvious to the next Pastor, Dr.  Coleman Phillips, that more facility space was needed. God opened the door to purchase an additional five acres, which gave the ministry ownership of the entire length of property along Highway 78 between Idaho Avenue and 17th Avenue, bringing the total land parcel size to 18 acres.  

Dr. Phillips then led the building of a new preschool, two 2-story buildings, and a beautiful state-of-the-art sanctuary in 1987, which brought the total amount of usable facilities space to 63,000 square feet.

Statement of Faith & Belief

We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. As such, it is fully trustworthy in all it teaches and affirms. 

(2 Tim. 3:16, 17)

We believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father who has revealed Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is therefore a Trinity, or Triunity, three distinct Persons, yet of one and the same essence. 

(2 Cor. 13:14)

We believe that all men are sinners by nature and cannot be saved except through faith in the death and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, we speak of the “new birth” as a radical spiritual transformation when the old life is put away and the new life in Christ is received. 

(Romans 8, 12 & John 3:16)

We believe in the personal work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, equipping him for service and exalting Jesus Christ in his life. The phrase “baptism in the Holy Spirit” is used to indicate the special anointing and empowering in the life of the believer. 

(Acts 2:4)

We believe in the personal and imminent return of Jesus Christ to this earth. Every believer is admonished to be prepared for and anticipate His coming.

(1 Thess. 4:16, 17)

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ on earth, and Jesus Christ is the Head. The Church is comprised of all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and are living a life consistent with that confession.  

(Acts 16:5 & Hebrews 10:25)